Question: How to change individual employee policy without creating a new Employee Policy or Group.

Solution: - Sometime we need to change individual employee's policy/settings such as Time Policy / Week Policy / OT policy without creating and assigning a new Employee Policy and Group. This can be done from Employee Details page. Click Employee Menu -> Employee Details and under action menu click on Employee Setting.

This will open Employee Setting page where you will find an Edit icon for each policy section. 

Here HR/Admin will be able to change Employee setting for Time policy, Week policy and OT policy for an individual employee.

For example, clicking on edit button of Time policy will open you below page:

After making necessary changes in policy, HR/Admin needs to put a WEF date and a check mark on 'Timesheet data exist, Reprocess it' to save the settings. New policy/settings will be applied from that new WEF date.