Once all the attendance setup policies such as designation, departments, Shifts, weekly off, and Overtime) and employee groups are configured, we can now add employee details. 

An employee can be added in two ways.

1) Adding a single employee.

2) Adding employees in Bulk using an Excel template.


1) Adding a single employee.

Step 1 - Go to Employee Menu - Employee Details. Click on "Add New" button.


Step 2 - An employee details form will get opened. Kindly fill in all the Mandatory and necessary details of an employee in the form and save it.

2) Adding employees in Bulk

Step 1 - Timelabs also allows you to import the employees in bulk using an excel template. Go to Employee menu - Employee Details. Select the Excel template as Bulk Insert" and then Download the Excel sheet.

Step 2 - Now you need to enter all your employees details in that excel template. Once the sheet is updated with all Mandatory and necessary details, you can import the sheet.

Choose Import mode as "Bulk Insert". Browse the excel sheet and upload it.

The application will check all the information entered. After verification, select Import data.

Once the employee is added, it will be seen in the employee details list.